Thursday, August 9, 2012


Baby attempt #4 is upon us. We've had 3 unsuccessful IUI attempts, that all went "perfect" according to our Doc. After this last attempt, Doc suggested we try a new donor, so we have one all picked out and ready to go. Was much easier this time around as we'd composed our original list and had some backups! This donor isn't necessarily all of the features we originally "wanted" (dark hair, dark eyes, dark complexion), but the Mrs. says his features remind her of me and I like that. So, we're going with light brown/hazel/medium this time around. 

Picking a new donor has pumped some new breath and excitement into it for us. Anyone who's been through it understands the pure emotional roller coaster that it is. Life is essentially lived in 2 week increments: inseminate, enter 2 week wait, watch the Mrs' body for early pregnancy signs, did aunt flo arrive?, yes, call doc, schedule another ultrasound in 2 weeks, rinse and repeat. Uggghhhh!!! Such excitement highs followed by such disappointment lows. When all is said and done and we are preggo, none of this will matter; in the meantime, it's rough. 

This is all from my side of things - the non-pregnant soon-to-be mother. I can only imagine that it is different for the Mrs. as not only her mind is going through all this, but her body is our vessel, so she has much more going on that I do. 

We can only be hopeful with every new attempt. Mrs. has started acupuncture for pregnancy which she is loving; she's had 3 sessions at this point. The first 2 were during our last insemination cycle. She also saw a Reiki master and had a session with her that she said was an awesome experience. We're doing our best to stay relaxed and keep things as positive as possible. 

Now, for my horrible memory, here's the dates we've had ultrasounds and the dates we followed that with insemination:

Attempt #1: Ultrasound 5/21/12 CD 11, Inseminate 5/24/12 CD 14
Attempt #2: Ultrasound 6/19/12 CD 13, Inseminate 6/20/12 CD 14  and 6/21 CD 15
Attempt #3: Ultrasound 7/16/12 CD 13, Inseminate 7/18/12 CD 15
Attempt #4: Ultrasound 8/13/12 CD 13, Inseminate 8/16/12 CD 16 
Attemp #5:  Ultrasound 9/12/12 CD 14, Ultrasound #2 9/14 CD 16, Inseminate 9/16 CD 18. Slow growing follicle this cycle. Was 13mm CD 14 and between 16-17 on CD 16. Had +OPK Saturday morning, inseminated Sunday morning. Light spotting on Monday CD 26 and Tuesday CD 27. Changed from brown/tan to red Tuesday night and period started Wed CD 28. Not scheduled to start until Sun 9/30 if we had ovulation date right. This makes for a 9 day luteal phase. 
Had air sonohysterogram on 10/4/12 CD 9. Everything clear!! 
Attempt #6: Ultrasound 10/10/12 CD 15, Inseminate 10/11/12 CD 16. Had an HCG trigger shot morning of insemination, will start progesterone evening of insemination. This is it!

Well, attempt #6 was not it. However, lucky number 7 was the one!! I write this several months after, so I dont' remember CDs and follice measurements. It was a medicated cycle and she had several large juicy follices waiting. We were very nervous about multiples, but that didn't happen. We found out on the Mrs.' birthday -- how flippin' cool is that?!?! I told her my presents were going to pale in comparison! We are 18 weeks pregnant with our baby girl -- that's right, a GIRL!!!! Our OB told us we'd find out the sex at our 20 week ultrasound, however the Mrs. is way to nosey to wait that long. We struggled back and forth about finding out b/c I didn't want to find out at all, and the Mrs wanted to find out ASAP! I should have known from the beginning that was a battle I would not win! Our tech who've we've made friends with offered to have us come at 14 weeks and she's scan us on her own. Legs open and hamburger sign present -- all girl!! Check her out:

She's due August 1, 2013 and is doing great and growing right on schedule. She's giving mom a hard time with headaches, but I have a feeling that will continue for a long time!! Dying to meet her!!

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