Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stop Taking Welbutrin for Smoking Cessation

Ok, so part of my first post back in October mentioned that I had quit smoking. 4 days ago, it was 5 months since I quit - October 9, 2010. I used Welbutrin per the advice of my doc. I wanted to use Chantix and experience really kick ass dreams, but all the negative side effects pushed me away from that. So, get on Welbutrin - really easy right. Start taking this pill, bam, you're done. Well, for me, the first 3 days was not great. Well, let me rephrase - first 3 days for my girl was hell. I had an extremely lackadaisical attitude about everything. House burned down?....*shoulder shrugg, eh*, Girl of my dreams leaving me?....*shoulder shrugg, eh*, Lost my job?.....*shoulder shrugg, eh*. Nothing got me exited in a good or bad way. After the 3 days,  I guess the medicine leveled out in my system and it got better. I think overall on it, my overall mood/attitude was slightly different. Not horrible, and worth it for the stopping smoking factor, but it was different. Slightly less patient, slightly disinterested.

Well, then came the time to stop. They (info I gathered online) tell you to take it for 3 months when using for smoking cessation. My aunt suggested I take it for 6 months. At month 4 I decided I thought I was ready to stop. I started looking online for info on how to stop taking welbutrin. Aside from learning not to simply stop cold turkey, there is NO information out there. They'll slap you on the shit real quick and are less interested in helping you stop. After getting in touch with the doc, she suggested cutting pills in half. I was taking the 300mg extended release tabs. She said to take half a pill for 2-3 weeks and then take half a pill every other day for 2-3 weeks. This is what I did - 2 weeks of each.

This morning was my last dosage!!! I've been quit smoking for 5 months and 4 days as of now. My desire to smoke is not present. I think about it, but it's a fleeting thought and gone in 30 seconds. Happens mostly after I've put down a few drinks! I feel good and am not afraid about not being on the pills. This last week of 1/2 pill every other day, I've actually looked for my smallest half of a pill to take. I guess with it starting to be out of my system, it was affecting me slightly like it did originally. If any problems come up, I'll be back to tell about them. Fingers more smoking for me!